Creativity and Tale of Peter Rabbit Table Setting

Creativity and Tale of Peter Rabbit Table Setting.

I went to the Puyallup (pronounced pew-Al-up) Fairgrounds to enter the table decorating contest there. I filled out a form in July requesting an autumn theme which would have made this blog quite timely but they called me and told me that the category that I had requested was full and let me choose from the remaining open categories. “Spring Fling” was my theme of choice. Although not seasonally fitting, I still thought that you might enjoy this post so here goes.

I do not remember a time when I did not try to invent pictures and make for myself a fairyland amongst the wildflowers, the animals, fungi, mosses, woods, and streams, all the thousand objects of the countryside. – Beatrix Potter

Imagine if Peter Rabbit made peace with the farmer, Mr. Mc Gregor, from Helen Beatrix Potter’s book The Tale of Peter Rabbit. Perhaps they would be able to have lunch together. If they could, it might look something like this…

It was so much fun creating this silly little table.

Mr. Mc Gregor’s place card

The menu

The floral arrangement

Creativity and Tale of Peter Rabbit Table Setting

“It is said that the effect of eating too much lettuce is ‘soporific’.” – Beatrix Potter

…and, of course, a proper place setting. I suppose Peter Rabbit’s mother would have actually set this table with all the pretties and properness involved. Are you wondering what they will eat with? Me too! The fair doesn’t allow us to use silverware. I didn’t ask why because it was just plain more fun to imagine that they have had too many butter knife crime scenes.

While I was setting this up, a handicapped girl was watching me the whole time. She was telling me how beautiful the table was and coming in as close as she could to see more. It made my heart fill up with joy. This is what it’s all about for us creative types.

I read in a book once how important beauty is in our world. When life is unkind and painful, sometimes the only thing that God uses to relieve our pain is beauty.

Don’t underestimate the value of beauty and those ditzy (intelligent but indeed sometimes scattered) creative types – myself included – around you who God uses to help create that beauty in our everyday lives. There ya go. I said it. I just had to represent.

Thank goodness I was never sent to school; it would have rubbed off some of the originality. – Beatrix Potter

It was a sweet moment this girl and I had shared. I wished I could have heard some of her story. I wished the table had been set for us to have lunch while she enjoyed the beauty of my handiwork on the table and I enjoyed the beauty of God’s handiwork on her soul.

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One thought on “Creativity and Tale of Peter Rabbit Table Setting
  1. What a wondrous and whimsical blog!!! Thank you.

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