Reuben Sandwich

I introduce to you the longest route to a Reuben sandwich… but you can call her Ruby.

A Reuben sandwich can be very simple. When made traditionally, it is a lovely stack of dark rye bread, corned beef, thousand island dressing, mustard, and sauerkraut.

Reuben Sandwich

As you can see, I have broken a few rules and quite possibly have taken one of the longest possible routes to get to a delicious Reuben sandwich – short of curing my own corned beef and baking my own bread, that is; but, you can buy all the ingredients at the store if you’d rather.

Sauerkraut: 7-9 days (or you can buy canned at the grocery store)

Corned Beef: 5-6 hours (or you can buy pre-cooked at the deli)

Celery Jam: 2 hours (or you can wish you had some and use thousand island salad dressing instead)

Dark or Jewish Rye Bread: The length of time it takes you to take a trip to your local grocery store + 5 minutes to toast and butter.

Stack accordingly. Or, you know, the sauerkraut can go on the side. The road was long. The tastes, well, these simply could not come out of a can or be rushed. Homemade wins every time. And for taking the longest route, you may call her Ruby for short.

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