Let me tell you about the day I organized the pantry. My favorite day of the year, month, or whenever I get around to it. I thought I’d share my shame with you today so you can feel better about yourself. My pantry is especially out of control.
The Day I Organized the Pantry
Believe it or not, magic happens here.
Don’t judge.
Cleaning my pantry means that the stove…
… the countertops…
… and the baking station are all out of commission for a couple few five six hours. I’d rather be baking.
But, alas, my efforts are worth their while.
It’s not alphabetical but it is orderly.
You find things when you organize. You find things you have purchased and repurchased because you didn’t know you already had those things waaaay up high in the pantry. Being short is hard.
But then things can happen. Things can happen a few days later that make you, well, drop your mouth open in shock and make words fall out.
With one broken shelf, three shelves worth of work are ruined.
Good Christian women do not swear. Good Christian women do not swear. Good Christian women do not swear. Or maybe they do.
The end.