Washington State Fair in Puyallup, Washington

It was a lovely day to have a first day of the fair. The only place you can buy an ice cream cone from the Washington Dairy Association right next to the stinky cow barns. The Washington State Fair to be exact.

There are so many things to see and do and eat. They always have amazing concerts – something for everyone.

And fudge. Lots and lots of fudge.

And, of course, all of the traditional fair food.

And some lovely surprises in the midst of the booths. I love you Umpqua. Don’t tell the others, but you’re my favorite.

The older I get, the more I’m drawn back to the rides. Something is terribly wrong with me.

There’s nothing quite like a wooden roller coaster.

I always pretend I’m at Disneyland when I ride the sky ride.

This seemed fitting… a sign pointing to the real dead bodies exhibit right under the craziest ride of all.

I mean, really. I die a little just watching them go up and down. If I wanted to feel this sick, I could just get pregnant all over again.

A little blast from the past. The Octopus. Or the Spider. Or that orange ride with lots of seats. Yeah, that. My friend and I got stuck in one of these once many years ago in Seattle. Someone under the influence was at the controls. I haven’t ridden one since.

This might be my favorite pic of the day. I noticed the moon above it after I got home. I mean, I planned it that way. Or not.

I learned a very valuable lesson at the fair today. Never sit under an informational sign. That is unless you like people to point your way with confused squinting eyes while you try to eat the world’s largest elephant ear. All I wanted was some shade. And to stuff my face. And some shade.

I will be okay. I will be okay. I will be okay.


Okay. Happy Irish dancing helps. These sisters are fantastic. Their stage is near the gold gate and the fountain. I’d choose to sit and watch them if I were to look for a shady place all over again.

I had a little touching moment today too. I wandered into the Watkins booth.

I chatted with these two lovelies for a moment and they told me it’s their last year at the Washington State Fair. I’ve walked past their booth for years but today I bought some baking supplies.

I recommend stopping by and wishing them well when you go to the fair this year. And buy a little bottle of extract. Or two.

After visiting the Watkins booth, I turned around and, glory be, there was the artist’s store. Yay! My fav! Pottery and wool and pottery…

and I found this disturbia.

Washington State Fair in Puyallup, Washington

The Home Arts area had fun cooking demonstrations.

This is Terry. He sings barbershop and makes pies. He uses a fork for almost every step when making his peanut butter chocolate pie and I noticed he saves all his plastic containers from the store and reuses them again. He’s adorable.

Washington State Fair in Puyallup, Washington

I then lost sight of the ground and somehow made it to the exit while staring at the gorgeous quilts. If you make quilts, I am jealous of you. The end.

Washington State Fair in Puyallup, Washington

Finally. The pride and joy of the fair. The Fisher Scone.

Hot out of the oven which probably explains the line of at least 100 people every year.

Who wouldn’t buy a scone from these sweet ladies?

More butter, please.

And the raspberry jam. Did I ever tell you about the time I dropped a scone on my toes while I was wearing sandals? Serious toe jam.

And for those who are looking for a giant fluorescent green hippo for your living room…

This picture was simply too cute to pass up.

Every part of me wanted to become a cowgirl after walking by this jacket. or, you know, at least look like one.

After I met up with Dotter and her friend again, we walked past this booth…

I’m guessing they take fun quite seriously. My favorite kind of people.

The girls decided they wanted some of that party. This is their before picture.

Again, oh my stars. Too cute not to share.

Party in progress.


And, finally, the Hobby Hall.

As always, displays are entered by people who have extensive collections of everything from Holly Hobby to lint. Okay, I’m just kidding about the lint but it sounded kinda cool. And disgusting. And cool. Dotter was excited to find a Starbucks collector while I was thrilled to discover a collector of all things Girl Scouts – so very fitting for their 100th birthday this year.

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9 thoughts on “Washington State Fair in Puyallup, Washington
    1. Congratulations, Armando! You won a box of Girl Scout Samoas and Thin Mints! Please email me at deanna@theoldhen.com & I’ll mail them out to you this week! 🙂

  1. I collect charms from every mew place I visit and for each of life’s milestones. 🙂

  2. I collect vintage jewelry… well, it’s too expensive, so I WISH!

    1. Congratulations, Claire! You won a box of Girl Scout Samoas and Thin Mints! Please email me at deanna@theoldhen.com & I’ll mail them out to you this week! 🙂

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